Email 705.722.4457
Meals and Snacks
A hot lunch is provided in addition to a morning and afternoon snack. All meals are nutritionally balanced based on Canada’s Food Guide, to provide needed nourishment for growing bodies. Our on-site cook prepares our fresh meals and snacks daily, and loves to experiment with new homemade recipes! We serve whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, and of course, homemade whenever possible. WE ARE A PEANUT and NUT FREE CENTRE.
Our teachers serve the food and eat with the children. Our mealtimes provide opportunities for socialization and the development of sound eating habits. On special holidays, the whole centre sits down together for a “family dinner”. It’s loud, but we love it!
We offer a 4-week rotating menu for Spring/Summer and a different 4-week rotating menu for Fall/Winter. Our menus are sent to families by email and posted throughout the centre and any changes made to the menu are noted daily. We will gladly serve substitute foods when there is a medical food allergy or dietary restrictions because of religious beliefs. At times, in more serious cases, parents may be asked to provide meals for their child, for instance in the case where a child may be diagnosed with Celiac's.