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Ferris Lane Community Daycare Programs
Full day care is available for children aged 18 months to 5 years. Kindergarten aged children can enjoy a full day, five day program here at our centre or may be enrolled in the school system.
A before-and-after school program is available for Kindergarten and School-aged children until they reach their thirteenth birthday, and includes a walking service to and from area schools. School-age care continues through the summer months, school vacations, and PA days as a full day program.
Our teachers implement a play-based, Emergent Curriculum program that is planned to meet the developmental needs of a child. Our program provides learning experiences during each part of the day. Toys, books, songs, and activities are changed sporadically as children's interests change.
Classrooms are well equipped with age appropriate materials, equipment, and furnishings. We focus on developing communication, socialization, and self-help skills in each child.
All daily programs include:
Creative Art - painting, glueing, colouring etc..... We use a wide variety of tools and materials to create art
Sensory Play - ample opportunities for sensory play are offered throughout the day, anything from playdough, water play, sand and many more. We use a wide variety of materials to provide sensory play.
Outdoor Play - Our playgrounds are equipped with age appropriate equipment for exercising and developing gross motor skills. Two one-hour outdoor sessions are planned daily, as required by the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA). In case of inclement weather, the classroom teachers will provide opportunities for active indoor play within the daily program.
Story Time - Books are read to the children at various times throughout the day, and children are encouraged in the individual exploration and enjoyment of books.
Circle Time - we sing songs, read stories, play games, fingerplays, puppets, flannelboard stories, talk about interests, seasons, holidays, days of the week, weather etc....